Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

I think Kristi likes Little Man's walker better than he does.


1. I Peter 2:10 – “you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” God made me part of His people. I didn't belong anywhere and He brought me into His fold. I needed mercy and He gave me mercy.

2. We have filed our adoption paperwork with the court. Now we wait for our court date. I’m so excited!

3. My sweetie took care of dinner. He’s awesome.

4. I got to hold the lovely Salia again today. She seems so so so small!

5. We made more progress in getting answers for our Kristi-girl. We finished up the paperwork and got the date set for her next evaluation. I’m eager for that because I’m really looking forward to more answers. They’re like tools in the tool box – no one answer covers everything, but each tool makes our job a little easier.

1 comment:

Susansweaters said...

Good luck with your adoption - may God be with you.
We have 'collected' kids a variety of ways at our house -
a birth child
several foster children
an adopted child
an inherited child
now a grandchild.
All together 15 children have lived with us at one time or another.

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