Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25, 2012


1. Arlene. Our precious friend Arlene had a birthday party for her two kids and our two August birthday kids. Everyone had a great time. Awesomeness!

2. There were a bunch of special people at the party – that was so much fun. Sometimes we have to explain our kids’ differences when we go to group gatherings so other kids understand what to expect, but when we’re with a group of people who understand it’s so much less stressful. Unless one of your children develops a great affection for one of the other children – one who doesn’t like to be followed and hugged. Open-mouthed smile

3. We met some interesting and fun new people.

4. After the kids went to bed I had some craft time – because I had to. I wanted to give Kristi and Caleb small handmade gifts when we celebrated with the family (we didn’t do gifts at Arlene’s party), but I had kinda neglected to make them. So I got busy as soon as the kids were all in bed, and in less than an hour and a half I had both done.
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A sparkly headband and bracelet for Kristi, and a necktie snake for Caleb.

5. Reese’s ice cream bars. Perfection.

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