Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today was not much of a photo day. After being out until early this morning and having to get up in time to get everyone ready for church, I didn't have the energy to go photo hunting today. My 17-year-old daughter had a car accident last night, and although she was okay, we took her to the ER to be checked out. We ended up not getting home and in bed until after 1am - it was a short night. We weren't the only family with difficult circumstances last night, and we ended up at church without anyone to teach Sunday School, so I brought the younger Sunday School kids into the church nursery with me. That was interesting, but those older kids weren't very entertained by the toddler toys. How do you keep a group of restless 5-9 year olds quiet and busy? Give them a cell phone camera! 

Okay - here's the challenge...can you tell which photos I took? LOL!!










Amanda said...

I'm going to go with 2, 5, 6 and 7. I'm so glad your daughter is alright. Sounds like a hectic day and night.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear that your your daughter is doing well. And I am impressed with your commitment towards this 365 project.

I am guessing you took 2,5,6,& 7

Sandra said...

I'm going with #2,5 & 7? LOL

sounds like you had a hectic and long day. I'm glad to hear your teenager is O.K.
Your commitment to this project is amazing.
Get some rest, enough excitement.

Sandra said...

I'm going with #2,5 & 7? LOL

sounds like you had a hectic and long day. I'm glad to hear your teenager is O.K.
Your commitment to this project is amazing.
Get some rest, enough excitement.

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