Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

This was shot with the tilt-shift effect in Vignette for Android. Austin is hard at work on his cursive handwriting.


1. Lunch out with Nana. Ken’s mom invited all of us out to have lunch at Kodiak Jax. It was nice to get out for lunch for a change!

2. Cuddly blankets. I get really cold when I’m just sitting at my computer working. I have a couple wonderful blankets that fix it all up!

3. Time to sew. For the third day this week I got my work done before dinner. That left me with time for kids and for sewing. Yay!

4. Elle who keeps me inspired. Turnabout’s fair play, right? I’m thankful that my friend Elle reminded me to count my blessings. She has a wonderful outlook on life, and it’s infectious!

5. Getting stuff done. I always feel better when the little tasks that have been waiting around get done. I didn’t get anything really exciting finished, but I did get some nagging little things taken care of. Whew.

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