Sunday, March 27, 2011

A sure sign of spring

A sure sign of spring by Elli :-)
A sure sign of spring, a photo by Elli :-) on Flickr.

Okay, now I believe it! My mom's and my neighbor's crocuses are coming up! Whoohoo! Spring is really coming! It may not feel like it yet - it's only 47* F outside - but these crocuses really do mean spring! Whew!

Caleb went on a crocus hunt for me. I asked him to check Bonnie's yard for any flowers peeking up, and he came racing back to the house yelling, "They're UP! They're UP!" He was so so so so excited to see flowers! We are going to have to get that kid a garden plot. Who needs Transformer toys and video games? Give him a shovel, some seeds, and a watering can and he'll be a happy boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Spring really? Are you sure? because I had to buy a new winter hat today!

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