Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It’s been a while since I shared blessings…

I used to do it daily, then occasionally…now rarely. I need to start that up again because it’s so easy to get distracted by the little irritations when I take my eyes off the good.

1.) He’s been at the top of my list before, but here he is again. My beloved husband is such a blessing to me. He does laundry, he runs errands, he makes me laugh…what more could a woman ask for?

2. ) I hear a rumor that spring will eventually come. This looks like hope of spring to me.

3.) I have a job that I can do at home that I love. It’s the best of all worlds for me.

4.) I have recently “rediscovered” knitting. It has been so fun to learn new skills and produce useful items! This is my newest purse just for me. I love it! It’s my first felted one.

(Mom, do you recognize that button? It’s from the button box you gave me years ago. The two like this didn’t have notes, so I don’t know where you got them, but they’re perfect for this!)

5.) Never a boring moment. Living in Scrivnerburg isn’t always (usually?) peaceful, but it is never boring. I don’t believe I’ve experienced boredom in the last 11 years. Life is crazy, frustrating, funny, loud, busy, happy…but never boring.


Unknown said...

Such a great post. We take the things closest to us for granted sometimes. This is a good reminder to truly count our blessings!

Anonymous said...

What a great portrait of Ken, you've captured his personality.
What a great looking purse, you are so talented.
I was just going down my list of "blessings" today too. I need to continually remind myself how blessed I really am.

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