Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today's Daily Shoot assignment was to take a picture of a pleasing composition of 3 items. My neighbor brought over a BUNCH of tomatoes, so I picked out 3 with different colors and used them as my subject...before Nathan and Austin could eat them! The oblongish ones are romas, and the red one is a cherry tomato. Yummy!

The same neighbors also gave us a basketball hoop! We really have great neighbors all around us. The family had a good time playing with the hoop and all the balls we could find...

I'm sure the reason this shot went in the hoop is that Kristi was jumping along with Ken.

I just loved the expression on Nathan's face as he watched his ball go in!
It was a happy Sunday in Scrivnerburg.


Anonymous said...

Nice colors on the tomatoes. I bet they tasted good and healthy than the store bought tomatoes.

Sandra said...

FUN FUN! I love that Kristi and her dad jumped at the same time. The kids look like they had fun. LOL
I want my neighbors to bring me some homegrowned tomatoes. Wait, on second thought, I don't. LOL Maybe you could share yours with me? Be right over

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