Sunday, December 26, 2010


Only 5 days left? Really? How did that happen? Man, this year has gone so fast! I've been thinking about what I'm going to do with this project in 2011, and I think it's going to be more family-oriented. I plan to continue to post a photo a day - I'm not sure I know how to NOT do that now - but I think it will be more of a chronicle of our family's life. I also plan to add some "features" including book reviews (specifically for the Waterbrook Multnomah Blogging for Books program), and maybe a few parenting essays. We'll see how that works out. I want to thank all the readers who have been following me through this photo journey this year - you are a real encouragement to me.

Today's Daily Shoot assignment is to illustrate what fuels our creativity. One of my first thoughts was "coffee!!!" but after that thought I decided to try to illustrate how my photographer friends, specifically Sandra Marek, challenge and encourage me to be a better photographer. The photo shown here was taken by Sandra and given to me for my birthday. She is an amazing photographer who is constantly striving to improve her skills. Fortunately for us, she shares what she learns with us!



Sandra said...

Elli! I don't know wether to cry or laugh! LOL
Thank you so much. I'm glad to know I've inspired you. My heart is overflowing with pride right now. You've inspired me too. Thank you for your continued friendship.

Anonymous said...

Very good composition and nice way to show tribute to friendship.

Amanda Hill said...

So sweet!! Great photo too

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