Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Day 5!

And it's also Halloween. We don't really observe Halloween, but we do enjoy costumes. My kids all shed theirs as soon as they got home, but my favorite neighbor girls didn't! Here's a shot of sweet Miss R in her beautiful pirate costume.

Rose as pirate edit

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 4 - A Preschool Halloween Party

Today was Caleb's first Preschool Halloween Party. At first he wasn't even going to take his firefighter hat, but he finally agreed to take it, and wore it for at least 3 minutes. lol. He did wear it for the parade through the Kindergarten classrooms, though. And being Caleb, he had to do it his own way.

carving a pumpkin at preschool

Here he was working on pumpkin carving with some help from Teacher Jodi. He didn't mind the pumpkin goo at all!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 3

I did it! With a little (very little) help from Caleb, I got the disastrous bedroom cleaned up! I'm giving you two for the price of one today so you can see that there's more to the room than just Kristi's bed and laundry.

Day 3-1

Day 3-2

(An additional note: In case you haven't seen all the comments from yesterday's post, I'll share this one -

"Blogger Diana Ornes Photography said...

Lol, I expect to see a new version of this tomorrow. And while you are at it why don't you come do my laundry, I will pay the airfare."

Okay, Diana, you can fly me out of Missoula, but I have to be back in time for Thanksgiving.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's day 2!

Okay...yesterday I said this was going to be about family life in here it is!

day 2

My youngest daughter and youngest son share a room - and this is what it looks like today! GAK! Our project this afternoon is to make it look neat and clean. Maybe I can show you that version tomorrow?

Monday, October 27, 2008

The start of a new adventure

Some of my photography friends have encouraged me to join them in a 365 project - taking and posting one photo a day for 365 days. Mine will just be photos of my family life - no specific topic. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes as the year progresses! Thanks for starting this journey with me!

Here's my day 1 photo - Caleb getting off the bus. If you're following my other blogs (What's Up in Scrivnerburg; A Life of Joy Photography) you probably know that we've had some issues with Caleb and the bus, but he seems to have moved past those, and now enjoys the bus again.

Home from school